This Week in Books 13.09.17 #TWIB

By Lipsy @lipsyy

Welcome to This Week in Books, where we share what we’ve been up to in bookland this week and look ahead to next. 

So, at the risk of jinxing it, WordPress seems to be back to normal, but I’m still furious about the whole thing and haven’t really wanted to blog all week. If you have no idea what I’m chatting about, look here.

Anyway, I may as well post this as I’ve written it about four times so far-  here’s what I’ve been reading this week…

Now: Weycombe ~ G.M Malliet

I’m enjoying this. It’s quite slow-paced but sometimes that’s nice!

Weycombe is the chocolate-box village of everyone’s dreams. For American Jillian White, a gated life of pleasure and comfort with her titled English husband was a fantasy come true.

But the murder of a local estate agent mars the village’s so-pretty surface. Are people actually dying to live in Weycombe? Jill investigates, piecing together clues along the snaking paths and winding lanes of her adopted village. She knows truth has many versions, depending on who is doing the telling. And that few can be trusted in Weycombe, where nothing is as perfect as it seems. 

Then: The Last Dog on Earth ~ Adrian J. Walker // Charlotte Says ~ Alex Bell

I loved TLDOE – my review is here. And Charlotte Says was good too. My review will be up soon. Hopefully.

Next: ??? I’m not actually sure this time. But probably one of these..

New on the Shelves

I didn’t buy any books or request any ARCs this week. Shock Horror!

I’m Waiting On…

Where I Live, because…I like the idea of a homeless protagonist. It sound unique, and great.

This evocative debut YA novel tells the story of Linden, a homeless teen secretly living in her high school. Together with her makeshift family of close friends, Linden struggles against the hardships of her past and begins to shape a bright future. Perfect for fans of Jennifer Niven and Nicola Yoon, this is a stirring novel about overcoming all odds.


1. Prevent the in-class nap.
2. Never carry too many belongings.
3. Avoid looking the part.

Her rules guarantee no one discovers her secret–that she’s homeless and living in the halls of her small-town high school. Her best friends, Ham and Seung, have formed a makeshift family, and writing for her school’s blog prevents downtime. When you’re homeless, free time sucks. Despite everything Linden’s burdened with, she holds on to hope for a future and a maybe romance with Seung.

But when cool-girl Bea comes to school with a bloody lip, the damage hits too close to home. Linden begins looking at Bea’s life, and soon her investigation prompts people to pay attention. And attention is the last thing Linden needs.

To put a stop to the violence, Linden must tell the story. Even if it breaks her rules for survival and jeopardizes the secrets she’s worked so hard to keep.

Expected Publication: February 27th 2018 by HarperTeen

So that was my week in books, how was yours? If you’re participating feel free to leave your link in the comments so everyone can take a look!
