This Week In Books 02.09.15

By Lipsy @lipsyy

Welcome to my weekly post, where I sum-up what I’ve been up to in bookland the past week.

I’m keeping it short again this week as I haven’t bought any new books or put any requests in…boo to busy life!

Now: The Wolf Wilder ~ Katherine Rundell// The Turning Test ~ Chris Beckett

I’m liking The Wolf Wilder so far – it’s really getting me in the mood for Autumn. Get the blankets out! I’m still going on my lunch-time read too.

Then: Beneath the Lake ~ Christopher Ransom

This left me a little deflated after a great start :( My review will be up on Saturday.

Next: ???

I still need to start This Crumbling Pageant by Patricia Burroughs as part of my review request mission, but I also have lots of September releases on Netgalley to get through. Busy, busy.

I’m Waiting On…

(Linking up with Breaking the Spine)

Thanksgiving ~ Mary R. Arno

I like the sound of this one.

New Orleans, Summer 1965: Nancy Drew, the Beatles, Hurricane Betsy. For four young people, it is a time for sailing lessons, clandestine cigarettes, facts of life, guilty secrets. Playing girl detectives, Peg and Emmaline hitchhike to the Winn Dixie, where Emmaline hopes to find her runaway sister. Harry, Emmaline’s brother, lurks on the edges of their toxic, disjointed family. Meanwhile, Mimi catches the measles at her family’s summer cottage. Sent home with the family’s housekeeper, she gets a taste for grown-up adventure and a glimpse of the compromises and deceit that come with it.

As seasons and years go by, each of the four must come to terms with what happened that summer and what they did—or didn’t do. Thanksgiving slowly reveals the adult ugliness festering beneath the summer idylls of childhood.

Expected Publication: November 26th by Koehler

So, that’s my week in books, now how about yours?

If you still do a similar WWW post (or just want to join in, leave your link/answers in the comments, OR why not tweet using #TWIB, and I’ll come and visit!