This Week

By Bertyc @bertyc
I've been busy! Mostly having fun and seeing the world through the eyes of my nieces and nephew. My sister has been in Bristol with the three kids, it has been really nice to have them stay and to help look after them, so as you can imagine it has been non stop. In a good way - I hope my sister feels like she got a little bit of precious time to herself.  Yesterday we spent the day at my parents allotment, the sun came out for the afternoon and we found a swarm of bees. Such a lovely way to spend the day after so much rain recently.  Today we met up with the rest of the family for a picnic before coming home (and before the rain started up again). Here are a few photos of what we've been up to...
 Painting toddler fingernails and toenails.
 Experimenting with vanilla bean paste... make frangipani tarts - better known as "frangipanjis".

 Picking elderflower to make elderflowers fritters, cordial, bubbly and seeking out pretty flowers to photograph...

 Checking out the wildlife...
 Making junk model robots.

Admiring other people's allotment furniture.

Finding swarming bees to inhabit a new hive near my mum's existing bee colony. Hoping for lots of honey...
 Finding frogs in a field and putting them back near the river.

Going out for the day before it starts raining and finding sweet treats...
This week I hope to have a little bit more time to get a couple of bigger blogposts up.
What have you been up to?