This Time, a Lot of Poor and Working Class Whites Did Not Vote Against Their Best Interests

Posted on the 14 November 2016 by Calvinthedog

TJF: and Rob has basically also stated more than once that poor whites vote against their own interests (I partially agree but I think it’s requires a long nuanced discussion – Indiana whites helped put Barack Obama in office in 2008 and Trump in 2016 – Did those broad minded whites in 2008 who supported Obama (Hope and Change) become rabid racists and sexists in 2016 (to be sure there are many of that ilk in Trump’s camp) or something else at work?) .

Look at that Carrier video. I bet everyone in that damn room voted for Trump. People on the Net are telling stories about towns and cities in the Rust Belt where the plants closed up and went to Mexico and threw thousands out of work. One woman said the plant closed in her Ohio town and 2,000 people were thrown out of work. She said the whole town voted for Trump. Another man spoke of some very real poverty now afflicting parts of rural America, maybe especially in the Rust Belt. He said almost all of these towns have homeless people now, homeless Whites. And they never had that before. Many of the homeless are families with children. One town stopped giving out homework assignments because 20% of the students were homeless. This is an all-White school in an all-White town.

In other words, there is mass homelessness in White rural America now.

It’s as clear as air that neither Obama nor Hitlery nor any Democrat gives 1% of a flying fuck about these people. Obama and Hitlery’s response to those poor people being thrown out of work at Carrier would be to laugh and cheer. “That’s the free market!” Hillary would chortle. “We are talking basic free market economics here. If the corporation had to move to Mexico to get higher profits, then that was the right thing to do! Only corporate profits matter! Nothing else does! The Hell with the Little  People!” Her eyes lowered. “And never forget. I was a Goldwater Girl in the early 1960’s. My family was stinking rich. I went to an Ivy League School. I haven’t changed one bit. I have no idea how the Little People live because I’ve been Ruling Class my whole life.”

“We are free marketeers,” Obama would intone. “The only thing that matters is profits for corporations. Nothing else means anything. These trade deals are great because they are help US multinationals make even more billions in profits. So they are bad for 90% of the people. They’re all losers anyway. The real winners are millionaires like Hillary and me. They rest of these working stiffs are all losers. Even my hero Ronald Reagan said so.”

Actually, both Hitlery and Obama recommend “education” and “retraining” for the millions fired from their jobs by free trade. They’ve been talking about this crap forever, and it’s never worked.

Death to Globalism! Death to the Globalists!