This Should Be Our Biggest Problem

By Gldmeier @gldmeier
One of the things people get excited about with Pesach approaching, and then on Pesach, is the "KaElah" experience.
In the Torah reading in shul there is a word, KaElah, that is read in the cantillation with a rising sound and it has become popular, especially in recent years for the congregants to call it out in an exaggerated way. I have seen videos of people having a lot of fun with it, even singing it stretched out with musical accompaniment...
Recently I have seen several articles decrying this behavior, calling it inappropriate, a desecration and degradation of the Torah acting in this way during the Torah reading with the Torah laying open on the bima. Here is an exagerrated example or two...

פארגאנגענע חוה"מ פסח

— Hasidic (@hasidic_1) May 1, 2024

המסורת השנתית: כמדי שנה מתפללי שטיבלא'ך קארו בביתר עילית בשירת "כאלה" בניצוחו של כוכב הרשת הירושלמי וולווה קירשנבוים. בתפקיד הבעל קורא: העיתונאי אריה ארליך

— משה ויסברג (@moshe_nayes) April 24, 2024

Appropriate or not, it brings such joy to so many people..
All I will say is halevai this should be the most significant problems we have in Am Yisrael...or in Hebrew, שכאלה יהיו הבעיות של עם ישראל....
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