This President Seems to Be Coming Unglued

Posted on the 03 April 2018 by Morage @kebmebms

Honestly, it's as though this President Trump is losing it. Did you hear what he did Monday at the White House during the Easter Egg roll?

Trump touts economy, military but slams Democrats at Easter egg roll
To children. To an audience of mostly children and again, at an Easter event. And nothing like trying to be the President, the leader, of all of us, eh?  This, during the event, is how he described, or tried to describe, the White House.

“I also want to thank the White House Historical Association, and everybody who works to keep this incredible house, or building, or whatever you want to call it — because there really is no name for it. It’s special. And we keep it in tip-top shape. We call it sometimes 'tippy-top shape,' and it’s a great, great place."
And that's the adult speaking. The man who is supposed to be leading the nation.
Then there is this, just breaking.

“Trump Is Like, 'How Can I F--k with Him?'”: 

Trump's War 

with Amazon Gets Personal
This is the way he conducts the highest level White House meetings, apparently.
Trump reportedly puts a Fox News host on speakerphone during meetings in the Oval Office
Then, finally, at least for now, for today, there is this.

Trump touts Rasmussen poll results: 

'Higher than Cheatin' Obama

Somebody, someone at the White House and/or in the Republican Party needs to get a handle on this guy.