This Perspective About the People Who Hurt You May Change Everything

By Lifecoachlindaluke @coachlindaluke

I may be a love and peace kind of girl, but I do believe in consequences for actions that are harmful to others.  It  used to bother me that I put a lot of energy into judging the people who  hurt me or committed crimes against others, and then, I had a thought ……

If it were true, as some believe, that we get to choose the life we come to live here on earth, who would choose to take on the roles of hurting others?  It would be very hard to agree to a life that included doing terrible things, even if it supported a fellow soul in evolving spiritually or was for the highest good.

Is it possible that only the most loving and courageous souls are willing to take on these responsibilities?    And, if so, what does that say about the ones that hurt you?

I am not saying it’s true, but what if it is?  Would you be able to finally forgive and let it go?