This past weekend, I finally received my new set of lights and in honor of their arrival, this past Tuesday morning, I conducted a quick self-portrait session.
Why was I just idly hanging at the crib on a Tuesday, one might ask....? To put it plainly, my limbs rebelled against my ambition. I awoke as I often do at the fifth hour but upon attempting my customary barrel roll onto the floor, I was struck with numbness. I literally could not will my body to comply with my schedule and so I stayed home with a case of fatigue and good ol' fashioned exhaustion. Knowing fully well, that going back to sleep was impossible, I opted for a little trial and assembly.
It yielded three products. One of which I have shared via Facebook, and the two which required no editing aside from a little saturation.
Need I even speak on how amazeballs my lights me all manners of technicolor realness. I'm a fan.