So for people trying to stretch their dollars a little further (which most people are doing), this 'party thing' can really give you a bad attitude.
I mean, I realize you probably haven't ever given this very much thought. But you should. Because the real deal is... what party businesses might be saying is for you, isn't necessarily about you.
And you (yes, little 'ol you!) are at the center and heart of getting fantastic, lower priced party products and party services when you're negotiating with caterers and party planners (rental companies, florists, and so on).
You did know that, didn't you?
And if you haven't thought about it... well, make this personal (because it really is) for a sec. And think about it. Then, delight in all of your consumer power that you have, that you probably don't think enough about, that a lot of you probably never even think about at all.
I mean internalize this. Take these truths a little bit further than, "Yeah-yeah Carlo, I know this already". Because if you know this as well as you think you do, then why is it you're the one doing most (if not 100%) of the work - when you're exhausted, tired, and don't want to; when you have a party; instead of calling a professional to do it for you?
Place getting what you want in the front of your minds.
You really do have the freedom to define yourself as being the sharp, savvy party consumer shopper who gets the best deals around.
Caterers and planners alike, especially the ones who are famous and well known, and sought after by their über-rich clients - are rarely asked for a deal or discount.
How do you get a professional caterer or party planner to give you a really good deal?
First, realize that you are in control (because it is your money, isn't it?) and you're powerful as a result, and because you know your self-worth you have sense enough to know that some party product prices and most all party service prices are an extravagance that just doesn't fit into the scope of your budget and most other people's budgets either.
Next, always remember that every caterer wants you as their client. Every party/event/wedding planner wishes you were their client. You're who they need to keep the doors open. And you, little Miss or Mister Consumer... you like to have an occasional party, every now and then. You're sure of that. So when you have a party (and can get a good deal) and you've hired a professional to help you execute it, it's a win-win-win situation; you win, your guests win, and "they" (party pro) win. Which is the pinnacle of everybody winning, of course.
Creative caterers and party planners that are (or want to be) well known for joyfully creating parties that are distinctive and polished, want to be recognized for their artistic achievements - yeah, sure. But, they want to make money too. No harm in that.
Except no less august however, is the reality of what is exhibited (offered to you or not being offered to you) about wanting your hard-earned money; which proves this particular fact: these people didn't start their businesses with you in mind, first. So, at the end of the day it comes down to human beings being human, doing typical human being things. Which sadly, in this case, adds up to them being selfish. That kind of figures, I hate to say. Remember, again - their first mind of thought when they opened their business(es) wasn't for you, it was about you. They had other reasons that motivated them to do it... not looking out for you and your best interest.
When you didn't start your business to create something meaningful that could potentially be life-changing for people or to prevent the end of something good being gone forever, you lose. Man, you're simply status quo! You're not defining anything new that contributes to the culture. But... we all know that's how "they" are.
Sadly, in a wanton and stupid kind of way their affinity leans, first, toward themselves. So beyond expecting you to pay what they want you to pay for what they're selling, you're not even on their radar.
I mean, c'mon... people can barely pay their bills. So they sure as hell don't have all kinds of money to spend on having a party. And now this "party prices" thing, that has never been addressed but has gone on for too long, has made it's way right up to the top.
There's just no way for them to drum up all the money that it takes to host a presidential inauguration in the six weeks between now and January 20th - Inauguration Day, except by turning it into a "fund-raiser" by asking for corporate donations. And sure, you could argue that because the economy sucks, they should cut back. And you're right, they should. But that still doesn't change what I'm talking about.
I've mentioned (more than once) that when you're planning a party and you want to get a good deal, the farther out you are from the party date, the better. Because the more time you have to plan it, search for sales and so on, the more money you'll be able to save.
So, now you know what I'm saying makes sense because even the White House inaugural committee has to cut back to save money. Because they are (cutting back).
Four years ago there were 10 balls. The upcoming 2013 Inauguration will have a candlelight ball for members of the national finance committee (Candlelight? Damn, they even have to save money on lights too? That's a joke, people), a military ball (as well they should because if you ask me, those soldier-types deserve the world; fighting and dying to keep us all free and safe like they do.), and a large Presidential ball.
Michaele Salahi & Neal Schon
The party planners have stated that it was necessary to "expand fund-raising efforts", asking that each event be attended by people making a corporate donation to the inaugural committee, which is offering party packages. Party crashers, Talek and Michaele Salahi (who divorced; now she's with Journey guartist, Neal Schon) wouldn't go unnoticed this time around - if they tried to crash their way into an upcoming inauguration party event like they did in 2008. Not enough parties to stove away, lose the Secret Service, and get lost inPresident Obama's team are being applauded for asking corporate donors to help defray costs, and their inaugural party plans are being called " a smart move" for what many philanthropic organizations, service groups, and museums - that have never had big party and fund-raising budgets, have been doing for years.
Oh and by the way, you know I'm not supposed to be doing this. Because this is supposed to be a big taboo; me saying this and writing this. You knew that already though, right?
But hey... they need to get off of it. Because we all know not considering you, when you're running a business, doesn't make sense.
And sure, from time-to-time some of the people in the party industry might make slight pricing variations that consider you. But wouldn't it be nice if that were a constant, instead of an every once in a blue moon occasion?
So like, no kidding... this 'party thing' can really give you a bad attitude.
And for me to be casual about this, by sitting back and not saying anything about it would give you the distinct impression that I'm one of "them" and not a cater hater... like I am.
Please be clear. I am not one of "them" - which doesn't prevent me from talking about this. I have a good reason to delve into this topic every Monday, just like I plan to.
That reason is party consumers, which of course because you've stopped by Cater-Hater, would more than likely be you.
I do this... I write to help to create to opportunities for all of you to pursue your passion to have parties without regard to economic constraints.
I think if we keep talking about the cost of parties (I blog, you write comments), together, maybe we can break down some of the party industry price barriers and shame some of the people who've taken your money and delivered a poor quality product right into growing a conscious and treating you right (nice thought, isn't it?).
Opportunities to be inspired about parties are everywhere. Yet, people looking out for your wallet are few and far between. My goal is to inspire you, causing you to question the way things are that have been the status quo for too long. When we stand together and speak up, we can be a powerful force.
Let's keep the conversation of change going. Because in the sea of everyone talking, one voice is a whisper... a lot of voices are a scream.
Leave a comment and share your thoughts, ideas and suggestions below. Remember to be as specific as possible because what you have to say helps us all.
Always... be encouraged and encourage others too,
“Full circle the pain I cause, comes the lessons I value to replace my flaws” - Jacob Halfpop
Image source: Google Images and Toban Black
party mad monday's, christmas party, birthday party, anniversary party, bad attitude about parties, unfair to party consumers, unfair to wedding consumers, unfair to club consumers
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