I have more fun finishing and a trunk show update today. Let's start with this new finish from Barbara's Needlepoint in Sioux Falls, SD. This was stitched by Angie and finished as a fabulous box by Barbara. If you recall in my post from a couple weeks back, Barbara's also did a fantastic stitch and finish of my Candy Cornucopia canvas, check it out here.
And here is yet another tree, this is my Winter Tree canvas that was featured in Needlepoint Now a while back. Great stitching is by Mary Powell and the terrific finishing is from Funda Scully. Great work both of you! This next one is an oldie but a goodie, it's my Pastel Puzzle canvas stitched and finished into a very cool pillow, courtesy of Pawleys Island Needlepoint: I've been so excited to see last summer's Mystery Class project Garden Party Heart coming back from the finishers, this one in an amazing shadow box frame that really sets off the 3D effect on the center heart. Thanks so much to Sue and Ruth for sharing! And lastly, I just wanted to mention my trunk show at A Stitch in Time in Bethel, CT. The show runs until February 25th so you still have time to stop in a have a peek, or if you are not local, you can always give them a call if you are looking for something in particular. Hope you have enjoyed all the photos! See you again this weekend for a closer look at one of the designs from my new club series!