Since This Mom Loves launched in 2010, I've worked with dozens of brands - international, national and local - to promote their products and services. Often companies will find me and reach out, though I actually turn down far more offers than I accept, because my time is precious but also because I am very conscious about what is and isn't a fit for my own personal brand. While it's nice to be "found", I also love when I can reach out to companies that I am already familiar with and fond of, because I feel it offers an authentic viewpoint to my readers, and everyone wins in that sort of partnership.
Knowing my audience as well as I do, I'm certain they'd like to read about the following:
Ooma: We recently signed up for this VoIP telephone system, and are very happy customers. Did I mention it's less than 5 bucks a month?
Texture: I have been magazine-obsessed since I learned to read, and for one low price I get unlimited titles right on my iPad. Wouldn't you love to hear more?
Cineplex/SCENE: Regular readers know what I movie buff I am, and I'm constantly at Cineplex with my husband, kids or friends. Plus, my SCENE card helps with concession discounts and free movies.

Kensington Palace: Okay, so this isn't exactly a "brand"...
Let's just say that someone (who is writing this post right now) has a milestone birthday coming up this summer and her BFFs have agreed to travel with her to London, England for a whirlwind tour, which will culminate in a series of blog posts for potential tourists and all Duchess of Cambridge watchers.
I'm hoping the Kensington Palace communications team will keep me up-to-date on Kate's schedule, so I can maximize my chances of being in her vicinity during the trip, when we also plan to follow in the Duchess's footsteps, checking out her current homes (as closely as legally possible) as well as restaurants and shops she's been known to visit.
At the same time, I hope to be able to draw some attention to many of Kate's patronages. As a kindergarten teacher and mom of two young girls, I admire the work she's doing to spread awareness about a range of important topics, including youth and mental health.
In all, this should be a fun series for Kate lovers, especially the Canadian royal fans back home.
PLUS: I'm also planning to work with more of the great fashion, beauty, home and entertainment brands that you know and love in 2017...lots of exciting things to come!
If you're a blogger, why don't you take a few minutes right now and make your brand wish list for 2017? Leave a link in the comments so I can check it out (maybe I have some contacts who can help?), and if you tag me on social media I can share as well. I'm using #bloggerbrand2017 as a never know, this could be the beginning of a dream partnership for you!