This Miss Piggy Went to Market and . . .

By Davidduff

. . . helped herself to £40k of my dosh!  Yes, well, it was your dosh as well but I do like to personalise these things because it helps stoke the fires of revolt and revulsion!   As it seems to be open season for a bit of petty larceny I have just nicked this image from a splendid site called The Evening Harold which, at a quick glance, is worth book-marking:

For the sake of my foreign readers the woman above - alas, she has lost all qualifications for being a lady - is Ms. Maria Miller MP, currently our less than distinguished Secretary for Culture, Media and Sport and Minister for Women and Equalities and Expenses Fiddling.  All of those tasks, of course, in a sensible world outside of the airy-fairy-land of politics would be non-tasks. 

She, however, is merely the slime-ball, dodgy 'geezerette' caught with her hand in the expenses honey pot, the real villains are her accomplices, starting with the laughably-named Parliamentary Standards Committee.  It's chairman, Sir Keith Barron had, shall we say, a spot of bother over his expenses when he sold his subsidised flat for £500k and then claimed expenses whilst renting from a fellow MP.  Then there's Sir Paul Beresford who owned a London property which he claimed as his second home and which - surprise, surprise - also contained his dental surgery.  One of the other high-minded figures on this preposterous committee is our old friend Robert Buckland MP about whom I wrote in not so much glowing as scorching terms just recently.  My information above is gleaned from Nicholas Watt at The Graun.

But above that ripe collection of 'troughers' we have our (less than) glorious leader, Mr. David Cameron.  It is evident now - well, it has been for years but I suppose some people kept hoping for the best - that he is beyond dim because it is now obvious that he cannot even see his own self-interest when it jumps up and down in front of him waving its arms and shouting, "Sack the greedy bitch and your popularity will rocket!"  The weekend polls showed 70% to 80% of people wanted this wretched woman fired and the numbers were even higher amongst Tory voters.  How Nigel Farage must have smiled and licked his lips as 'Dim Dave' handed him yet another weapon to fire against the cosy career politicians inside their Westminster bubble.

In the meantime, as I prepare my Monday Funnies, do pop over and visit 'The Evening Harold', it's much funnier than my 'jokes'!