This Might Make You Cry a Little!

By Claire

The Wed­ding Film of Jane & Steve at Iscoyd Park from Marry Me Films on Vimeo.

Wed­ding high­lights to watch out for:

  • Jane looks gor­geous in a beau­ti­ful, figure-hugging strap­less dress.
  • Steve’s nerves build from the very begin­ning — but when he sees his bride, your heart will melt! And from then on, the smiles don’t stop.
  • The lovely ivory and pink rose venue dec­o­ra­tions for cer­e­mony which is in a gor­geous white room with high windows
  • They really go the whole nine yards, includ­ing white horses and carriage
  • Even Dad wells up a lit­tle as he gives his daugh­ter away — he looks so proud.
  • Jane and Steve’s chil­dren are even involved in the cer­e­mony — it’s a nice touch, and they don’t look in the slight­est bit nervous!
  • I love you” flies from a plane pass­ing over­head! (a fab idea from Andrea of Fab­u­lous Day)
  • The wed­ding break­fast is in a mar­quee, again beau­ti­fully dec­o­rated in pink and ivory.
  • The singing wait­ers are a high­light, as is the mag­nif­i­cent Choc­cy­woc­cy­doo­dah cake.

Con­grat­u­la­tions Jane and Steve. Big thank yous to Marry Me Films for shar­ing their lovely film with Eng­lish Wed­ding blog! (Did you see their film of Vic­to­ria and David’s Thorn­ton Manor wed­ding?)