This is What Video Games Looks Like If They Were Paperback Novels

Posted on the 03 December 2013 by Nrjperera @nrjperera

One of the key features on a best selling video game is the cover on its’ case. Same goes for movies and even novels. Although, the cover designs for each of those content differs from each other. But, what will it look like if video games were turned into classic paper-back novels? Well, take a look.

Artist Zachary Knoles has created these geeky illustrations of some of the iconic video games reimagined as paperback novels. The coolest work of art includes Half Life, Portal, Mass Effect and more. I really wish he would do a cover for games like Bioshock and Skyrim. I bet they would look really awesome.

Read Also: DPADD: New Social Network for Gamers

Check out more dusty game novels after the jump.

[Source: Kotaku / Credit: Zachary Knoles]
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