This is the Year I Lose My Mind!

By Midlifemargaritas @mdlifemargarita

This school year is going to be a record setter. I have my oldest graduating college and my youngest graduating high school. And I’m not even close to accepting this as reality. I mean, I feel like they were just toddlers yesterday! They were shorter than me. They were sweet and loving and called me mommy. Now they’re both way taller than me, loud, messy and obnoxious. But they’re mine.

This makes it official that we’ll be empty nesters by next year this time. Don’t get me wrong, I’m looking forward to less laundry, less groceries and less mess.  But I’ve had nearly 20 years of it and I’m very used to it. Change will be good right? Big Daddy and I have done all we can to prepare them for the world. I figure if they can survive my wonderful parenting skills they should be good to go in the world. 

 Now with high school graduation coming, there is so much to do. Senior pictures need to be done to mark the end of this milestone. I just read an article about how parents are taking senior pictures to a whole new level spending thousands of dollars on them. Are you kidding me? My iPhone takes great pictures thank you very much. Here’s what I’m referring to here, you have to watch the video. I mean you HAVE to:

 I’m stunned. I mean really?

 Well Anywho, this school year is going to be packed with “last moments” for both my kids. I know I’ll cry but I’ll laugh too. And you my readers, I’ll make sure you take this wild ride with me all year!