This is Old News...

By Meplusmytrainer @meplusmytrainer
I need to pre-frame this post. It is over one week old. For a couple of reasons:
1. Kyle is technologically impaired...legitimately
2. We've both been super busy :)
Writing this blog is harder than we thought. It's taking time and effort on both of our parts. Kyle works full time as a Fitness Manager, trains clients, exercises himself and I assume tries to have some sort of social life. Then once all that stuff is done he has to write for this blog. But it's totally worth it...for me anyway!
I actually think Kyle has read this blog once. He does not have facebook, twitter or any other social media avenues. He has an iphone and does a little texting and he can send emails (most of the time) but I don't think he knows how to send attachments. I get all sorts of crazy spam from his personal email account, and I think I have mentioned this before, but when I asked him if we wanted to start a blog his response was "What's a blog?"
In all seriousness, I still wanted to post this workout because I want people to see that training isn't always sunshine and rainbows, it's sometimes nauseating and painful. Here we go...
Workout Date: Tuesday July 3rd
Tuesday’s workout? I honestly feel like the whole hour was a blur. It was a combination of trying not to barf my guts out and also trying to actually make my body do the exercises. I was a mixture of tired, not properly hydrated, lack of proper nutrition and I am pretty sure I was still nauseous from those friggin’ rides at Cedar Point. I am no longer able to ride fast roller coasters. Like I am retired. I have had a couple of days now to recover, but my back is sore and I am pretty sure it’s from a ride called “Raptor” which I had to ride twice. Thanks Eric.I thought about 100 times about cancelling my session, but I didn’t. I knew this week would be busy and actually my whole month is very busy, so every workout with my trainer is important. So I got up, had a significantly shortened morning flow literally dragged my butt to the gym. Not only was I getting a workout, but also having me weekly measurements taken. Lolol. Of course.It was no big surprise that I gained 1% body fat. My trainer explained that since I am supposed to lose 1% per  week, by gaining 1% I was actually gaining 2% because I also didn’t lose 1%...does that make sense?The best part of the workout when it was over. First, because as always I felt so much better after the workout. Even about halfway through when Kyle asked me how I was doing, I honestly reported “ok” which was a significant improvement from the beginning. Second, gaining some weight really cheesed me off. I didn’t like that at all, and it really refocused me. Lastly, because it was hard and I just wanted it to end. I fancy myself to be a pretty tough cookie, I don’t like to complain and I like to work hard and “suck it up”. In the 10 years I have worked for GoodLife I have only taken 2 sick days. So for me to have spent this entire blog post basically complaining, you know that I was feeling lousy.Our actual workout followed the 6-12-25 “rule” and we used the following exercises: Walking lunges
Front Squats
Leg Press
Lat Pull down
Single arm dumbbell row
Seated cable row
I would NEVER have gotten up on my own and done a workout. I really do love my Personal Trainer. xo

My Trainer:
After reading Tara's blog the whole session came back to me crystal clear.  Yes, she looked exhausted.  Yes, I knew she was coming off a great birthday weekend of cool rides, lots of fun, and (likely) not the greatest eating, but like she said ... she showed up!  Any client, regardless of the situation, deserves a punctual and smiling Personal Trainer waiting for them.  I did my best to "pick her up" a little bit when we met, but she was having none of it at the beginning and I could see her in her warm up reach deep and rely on herself to get through.  And get through she did.  The workout was good, she did great, and she looked like a totally different person half way through.  She was back to dancing between sets (not recommended - rest on your rest breaks people!), and snapping back with funny remarks about just about anything.
I felt like I got it at the time, but after reading this I am really proud of Tara!  Knowing her, it is totally believable she has taken 2 sick days in 10 years (though any doctor on earth would tell you that's not healthy ... but) and for her to cancel a training session would completely floor me.  Also, her weigh in showed me a lot.  Everyone has weeks they do great, everyone has weeks they slip a bit, but clients do one of two things; They pout about it and come up with excuses or they accept what happened, what needs to happen, and they suck it up and do it.  Tara falls into the latter category - which is good, because I have no patience for the whiners.
... there was more to this one, but this was all that was in my drafts ?!?!  Sorry...

Happy Reading,
Me + My Trainer