This is My Fight Song {Asher's K2 Graduation Concert}

By A Happy Mum @A_Happy_Mum

Graduating from kindergarten is a huge milestone and one that should be celebrated and remembered. It marks the end of an important phase of childhood and once our little one enters primary school, time flies and he/she won't remain tiny for much longer.

When Asher did not have a year end school concert in K1 due to the pandemic and the situation didn't seem to improve much in the following year, it didn't seem very hopeful that his school would organize a graduation concert for the families to attend. But lo and behold, his teachers understood the significance of this occasion and worked fervently behind the scene to make it happen for the graduating batch of K2 students.

It was a cosy, intimate affair held at Trehaus with his teachers, classmates and the immediate families. I was so deeply grateful to have this opportunity to see my son graduate and be able to attend an actual ceremony instead of viewing it on Zoom. Nothing was taken for granted and we appreciate the teachers' efforts so much.

Not only did Asher give a graduation speech and receive his certificate, he also recited a Chinese poem, danced to a couple of songs, did a national day workout and performed in a skit too. Yup, the lineup was so exciting and since there were no other classes involved other than the K2s, that meant we got to see so much of our kids and they truly put up a wonderful show. Here's sharing some of the highlights from that memorable night which made me so happy yet emotional at the same time.

Before it all started, we were allowed to see our kids who were wearing their graduation gowns and take photos with them too. This was not possible during Ariel's time as she would be busy preparing backstage and subsequently, she would have changed into other outfits. So I was really thankful that we got to take this family shot.

See the DIY signboards I made? Hee. I hope the kids feel loved upon seeing them and know that we will always be here to support and cheer for them. 我们是你最忠实的粉丝

Oh, this was also Ariel's maiden experience at being a concert emcee, woohoo! She gamely took it up when the school principal asked if she could help out and I couldn't be more proud of her. You were awesome that night and you looked beautiful on stage, my love.

Even though we had practised his graduation speech dozen of times, it was easy to see that Asher was feeling nervous when it was his turn to shine on stage. Thankfully, he didn't miss out any word and went smoothly from beginning to end. Doesn't he look like a big boy here? Wasn't it just yesterday when I gave birth to this little prince of mine?

Seeing his standing there, wearing his mortarboard and looking smart in his gown, it was a realisation that 我的小王子真得长大了.

Congratulations on getting your graduation certicate, my love! Thank you for remembering to smile for the camera and a big thank you to the principal for making all this happen for the K2 students.

One of the sweet highlights of the night was when the teacher asked the parents to go on stage so that our kids could present a beautiful bouquet of handmade flowers specially made for us. How lovely! I cherish these flowers so much because they symbolise your love for me, my dear Asher.

For weeks leading up to the concert, the kids worked hard to memorise some 唐诗 so that they could recite them on the big night. This wasn't easy for all of them, especially the non-Chinese students, so kudos to all of you for doing a great job! Hear Asher reciting 静夜思 in the video below, yeah? 

I always love seeing the kids dance on stage because they just look so happy and carefree. Yet you also know the amount of time and effort they had put into it before that very moment. Asher's graduation dance, which was done with the kids wearing their gowns, was one of our all-time favorite song - Fight Song - because of its meaningful lyrics and catchy tune.

The skit was one of the most anticipated segments of the night and it showcased the kids' efforts as they worked together to present to us their own rendition of "The Little Red Hen". For weeks prior, they had to read their script, recite their lines, learn to act in their roles and they even went to a recording studio to record their lines too.

Check out Asher acting as a cute little rabbit in the video below! It was awesome seeing all the kids playing their respective roles and as a team, they showed synergy and put up a wonderful performance. We enjoyed the skit very much, dear graduands, you guys did a fabulous job!

For the finale performance, the kids danced to "海洋之心" by A-Lin which is the Chinese version of "How Far I'll Go". I love seeing how at ease the kids were by this time as they were totally warmed up and in their element. They were all beaming from ear to ear and each of them shone in his/her own way on the stage. 

Even when some of them fell due to the slippery floor, this includes Asher, they got up immediately with a smile, continued dancing with zest and showed the audience that they thoroughly enjoyed performing for us. That was when I felt deeply thankful for this intimate setting because it gave the kids confidence, gave the parents memories and gave us all an amazing time.

Here's a shoutout to Ariel for being a professional and terrific emcee for the night! I knew you had butterflies in your stomach but your nerves did not show and you did a fabulous job throughout. Your presence made a huge difference for your little brother so please know that we are all super proud of you.

To all the friends and teachers, here's a big THANK YOU for making this night a success, for the guidance and friendship through the years, and for the priceless memories you have given us. Asher appreciates each of you very much and it's his honor and blessing to have you as part of his growing up years.

To my dearest Asher, you blew our minds tonight and I think you outdid yourself, didn't you? You looked so charming in your graduation gown and it makes us beam with pride to see how much you've grown and how far you've come. Congratulations on graduating from kindergarten and I look forward to seeing what adventures lie ahead for you, my darling boy. Whatever happens, please know what we love you very much and will always be there to support and cheer for you. You are truly awesome!

This will definitely be a fond night that will be remembered for years to come and it will be one of the moments that make me look back and realize how fortunate I am to be a mom. Seeing our kids grow up and blossom is one of the biggest rewards we can ever ask for. Am I proud mum? You bet I am.


Here's a video that showcases the highlights of the night and a precious one that Asher will hold dearly in his heart. Enjoy watching!