This is Me, Though Maybe (for Once) Not as Cute!

By Darthclavie @DarthClavie

Can't compete with a Corgi for Cute

Yeah, it's been kind of crazy busy in my neck of the woods - what else is new? - but! I got vacation time coming up soon so I should be able to read and review some more and finally comment on all the lovely blogs I sort of stalk these days.
I do plan to write up a few reviews on friday and tomorrow - or maybe the day after - I'm doing my March ListManiac on Favorite Parents of YA. And maybe a little bit of a rant on why New Adult just doesn't work for me as a genre.
Well, at least I hope. I have been very unmotivated to write as of late... I'm kind of going through a Meh! phase right now.
Also, the poll for next topic is already up on the lefthand side bar: Books that Live up to the hype and books that don't live up to the hype. :P