The animated film of the famous Mario Bros video game, known as The Super Mario Bros, was recently released, which has devastated the box office. This would not be news for the producers, since since its training was announced, the followers already considered this film as one of the most anticipated for 2023. What is a surprise is that, with less than a week since its Released in rooms, the song "Peaches" has reached a large number of views on streaming platforms and has even positioned itself among the most listened to songs.
In the film the song is sung by Jack Black, who in turn plays Browser, the villain of the gamer plot. However, contrary to what one would believe, the lyrics of the melody are about love.
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The film's director Aaron Horvath; and Michael Jelenic with Eric Osmond and John Spider, considered giving Browser a different idea, who reveals his feelings towards Peach, the most beloved princess in video games, with a cute melody.
This song was not included in the original script of the film, despite this Jake Black proposed the idea of putting this theme in the plot and it was a complete success.
According to the article The Super Mario Bros, the song Peaches was written and produced by Jake Black himself along with the aforementioned producers, who wanted to make a romantic moment starring the game's villain.
"While we tried to convey Bowser's feelings for Peach, he seemed more fun, funny and sweet if we asked him to sing a ballad," the producers noted in the article.
On April 7, Perches was released on YouTube, where so far it has 7 million 700 thousand views. In the music video, the actor can be seen in a green suit and with red hair, thus imitating the famous animated character.
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On a pink stage with a piano in the background, Jack Black begins by singing Peaches with the famously catchy tune and some strange dancing.
What is the song Peaches about?
The lyrics of the viral song are a confession of love that Browser makes to Princess Peach, his one true love.
This is the Spanish translation of the already famous song:
peach you are so cool
And with my star, we will rule
Peach, understand
I will love you until the end
Peaches, Peaches, Peaches, Peaches, Peaches
Peaches, Peaches, Peaches, Peaches, Peaches
Boss, ohhhhh
Peaches, Peaches, Peaches, Peaches, Peaches
Peaches, Peaches, Peaches, Peaches, Peaches
Boss, ohhhhh
Mario, Luigi and a Donkey Kong too
A thousand Koopas troops couldn't keep me from you
Princesa Peach, al final
I'll make you mine, ohhhh
Peaches, Peaches, Peaches, Peaches, Peaches
Peaches, Peaches, Peaches, Peaches, Peaches
i love you
Peaches, Peaches, Peach, Peach
This song has become so popular among fans and non-fans of the video game that even, according to Variety magazine, there would be the possibility of competing for an Academy Award. However, this is just an industry theory, but if true, the song would mean a gold statuette for the animated Mario Bros.
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