This is a Great Introspect of LA Based Visual Artist, Geo...

By Beachbungalow8 @beachbungalow8
This is a great introspect of LA based visual artist, Geoff McFetridge's 'method'. If you're not familiar with his work, definitely worth checking out. He's a genius.
You may be familiar with Pottok Prints, a line of hand silk screened wallpapers that he and his wife (artist, Sarah DiVincentes) designed along with partner Yong-Ki Chang. My favorite of which is the Whale print:

And one more example of his multi-disciplinarian geniosity.  (you know how I love myself a good stop motion film. They did this by lasering the design in over 2 thousand pieces of toast and shooting each one individually. Love that kind of thing.

'Last Leaf' by OK Go from NimbleBot on Vimeo.