This is a Big Deal.

By Guerrillamom @mariaguido
Today my blog is being featured on SITS Girls.  If you are a blogger, this site is a not-to-be missed resource.  They give a constant stream of information about marketing, design, blogging platforms - really, it's just SO MUCH that they do.  For free.  For women.  But what I love most about it is the community of women who come together from all different backgrounds and interests to look into and support each others endeavors.

So, if you are visiting from SITS today, I recommend taking a peak at one of my greatest hits posts, on the right side of this page, under You Should Start Here.  You'll find it under the Magical Vagina banner.  Heh, heh.  This is a good time to warn you that I am very political, very opinionated, and - well, you'll see for yourself.
Thanks ladies, for reading - and hopefully continuing to follow and read if you like what you see here.
If you like me, let's keep in touch on Facebook and Twitter.