Let me clarify... S has been working all week so I've been entertaining myself. No worries though. I've been reading a lot. Doing a bunch of "blog" research. Working on writing blog posts. Yes, I'm in the process of "re-inventing" ...this & that... and that means full of ideas for writing. In essence, I've actually been reading all the blogs that I follow; news blogs included.
Oh, and let me not forgot to mention I simply relaxed. Yep, I have been relaxing. Relaxing. Can you believe it?! A small admission though that I did go to work for a few hours on Wednesday morning - had to finish billing.
After my few hours at work Wednesday morning I headed to the hair salon for cut and color. Awesome! More details to come on that...stay tuned. Mom, met up with me at the hair salon and we (well I) shopped in the salon boutique for a few summer outfits. And I must say, that my choices look fabulous! Yep, more to come on those too. I need a full length mirror to take outfit pics. Mom and I wrapped up the afternoon with lunch at Portillo's --- YES!!!! It was delicious as always and just like back home. If you are from Chicago - I don't even need to explain any of this to you - you just get it. You, simply, just do.
Anyhow, movie review time. I liked the movie. I enjoyed it. However, I must say it was predictable. Let me explain I've been watching Star Trek since the very beginning - well re-runs of course but, I've watched all of the series (every single episode) and every movie. My Dad's a big Star Trek fan. Anyhow, I thought the storyline and action sequences were great! It's a must see if you are a Star Trek fan. And of course, if you are a Chris Pine fan it's a no-brainer to see it (aka Captain Kirk).
I need to point out that the majority of the day leading up to seeing the movie I read Inferno... Yep, so, I went from Professor Langdon, his tweed jacket (lack there of), and his concern for where his vintage Mickey Mouse watch was among other things... I'm trying not to give away anything from the book... And then switched gears completely to a sci-fi movie, Star Trek. So, you can see where I'm a little torn with my interest and satisfaction of the movie (in comparison). Now, if Professor Langdon would have made an appearance in Star Trek it would have been perfect!!!! Haha. Funny, I know.
Hope you had a great day. My plan tomorrow is to see Iron Man 2 in the morning and then pool time with S in the afternoon. Sounds like a pretty good day right?! Today and tomorrow.
Have a wonderful day! Have you seen Star Trek or Iron Man yet? Have you picked up your copy of Inferno yet?