Thirty Years Old, and Counting

By Thepracticalmommy2 @PracticalMommy2

Today is the day I finally turn 30. Yep. The big 3-0. I've been waiting for this day for a while now...
About a year ago, I decided to set some goals for myself (I actually started a blog for it, although it has fallen by the wayside...). Here's a few of the goals I came up with:
  1. Lose 30 lbs. 
  2. Have baby #3.
  3. Get outside 30 minutes a day, 3 days a week with the kids. 
  4. Try 30 new recipes.
  5. Write 30 new and awesome articles on HubPages. 
  6. Find ways to save money without extreme couponing. 
Well, I can say with confidence that I did meet most of these goals. While I didn't lose 30 lbs, I did lose  nearly 20 and then only gained 25 back. I gained 25 back because I became pregnant with Baby #3. Up until I started getting terrible morning sickness, I did get the kids outside for fresh air a few times a week. I wrote about 65 new articles on HubPages, many of which are pretty awesome (if I do say so myself). And, I have found ways to save money, including basic couponing and doing my homework before going out to shop.  I'd say that's pretty good, no?  My greatest accomplishment out of all of that was the baby. Yesterday would have been his birthday had he not decided to choose his birthday two weeks ago instead. I'm so blessed--we're so blessed-- to have him in our family!  I'll have to say that being 30 doesn't bother me. I used to think 30 was old. I mean, my mom was once 30, and then I thought she was old (sorry Mom!). Granted, I was 10 then, so anything over 20 was old.  But now, I don't feel old. In fact, despite being sore from my surgery two weeks ago, I feel great physically and I'm determined now more than ever to get into the best shape I have ever been in. I also feel wiser than my twenty-something self and more confident in myself. I'm a mom now of three awesome and beautiful children, and a wife to an awesome husband. I am now doing something I have always loved--writing--and I've been fairly successful at it.  I'm still me, even at 30. I've had thirty years to learn to live, and now I get to take life's lessons and move onward.  Here's to my next thirty years! 

Marissa is a stay-at-home mom who writes pregnancy and parenting articles on HubPages, as well as shares her motherly escapades on Mommy Knows What's Best.