I wrote a long post recapping my birthday weekend and then promptly clicked the “trash” button when I was done. It read like an itinerary sprinkled with happy thoughts. It felt a little forced, I couldn’t come up with the perfect way to end it, the poignant yet funny ending line that leaves people with a smile on their face.
But the truth is, things are good. It was a great weekend. We did more of the same old same old- family time, time with friends, doughnuts, one really good egg strata, a date night out while Gracie hung with her grandparents, great-grandpa and great-aunt. There was our first Chicago summer street festival where Gracie danced in the hot sun until she was red faced, sweaty, exhausted but oh-so-happy.
Things are good. Or, as B’s grandfather would say, “They are not just good, they are great.”