In our body, the Sahasrara or head center corresponds to the North Pole, while the Muladhara or base center is the South Pole. The diaphragm, between the solar plexus and the heart centre, is the equator, which corresponds to the equator of the planet and to the zodiacal sign of Libra. The equator is equidistant from the North Pole and the South Pole and the point of balance between the two poles. Libra represents the equilibrium between the outgoing horizontal movement towards objectivity and the inward vertical movement towards subjectivity. When the fulcrum is stable, there is an ascent of consciousness to higher planes.
The Images of Synthesis for the month of Libra illustrate the related symbolism. You find there detailed explanations of the paintings in four languages (en/de/es/fr). And you can download print-versions (high resolution) for free. Or subscribe to the Lunar Messenger newsletter.
8 August 2010, pencils, crayons and photo work
11 July 2011, pencils, crayons and photo work
16 June 2012, pencils, crayons and photo work
20 May 2013, pencils and photo work
04 June 2014, pencils and photo work
13 June 2015, pencils and photo work
14 June 2016, pencils and photo work
19 June 2017, pencils and photo work
12 June 2018, pencils and photo work
17 June 2019, pencils and photo work
25 June 2020, pencils and photo work
25 June 2021, pencils and photo work
5 July 2022, pencils and photo work