Thinking Outside of the Box.

By Challahbackgirl
A couple of Sundays ago, I awoke to an email from a woman named Ruchi, which said that she had come across my blog and shared my post Label: Love on her facebook page. Sometimes I still pinch myself in happy disbelief that I really and truly made it: I'm a Jew now. So I can't even tell you how much it means to me every time I receive positive feedback about this site. Ruchi and I became fast friends, and we agree that the Internet is a beautiful way to bring Jews of all backgrounds together for discussions, for support, and for a reminder that we're all in this together. Considering that Ruchi's blog Out of the Ortho Box is one of my favorites, I was honored when she asked me to write a guest post and share the story of how and why I became Jewish. Please check it out and join in the discussion, and be sure to subscribe for some inspiration on the regular!