Things only matter if you think about them.
Perhaps you don’t believe that, or maybe you do…either way the belief is only a mental materialization…subtle matter.
You and thinking are one and the same. There’s no thinking without you and no you without thinking.
There are no things as well, minus you and the act of thinking.
Matter or things are only distinct on account of your belief that you are experiencing them as other.
Beliefs are things, matter.
Without you, a thought, a subtle object, there are no things distinct.
So if you take a moment, calm the mind, and simply observe, the only data available is seeing.
Wait, don’t think about it, just see.
Where is the pain in this seeing? Where is the seeking?
To see is to be, to be is free.
Point of the story; don’t think about it so much.
Thinking is mattering.
Things/matter is a verb. They are a doing.
All actions come to an end.
Therefore do nothing, let doing happen.
In other words, don’t think about it.
Trust me, it’ll all take care of itself.