Thinking About Fall Clothes in Spring

By Dieworkwear @dieworkwear

Christian at Ivy Style once called me a clotheshorse. If you know Christian at all, you know that’s not a compliment. He’s one of the few bloggers I know (if not the only one) who has a healthy relationship with clothes. He likes them, but doesn’t obsess over them. In any case, what prompted it was me asking him last spring what he thought of some brand’s sweaters. He said “You’re one serious clotheshorse if you’re already thinking about fall!

And it’s true, I tend to think about clothing purchases way in advance. Lately, for example, I’ve been thinking about green tweed sport coats. The London Lounge is selling a new barleycorn and herringbone mix through their cloth club. It’s a beautiful design with a blue and chestnut brown windowpane, but I’m not yet sure of what’s out there, so I’ve been unable to commit. Flipping through A Style is Born and Scottish Estate Tweeds gave me some ideas, however. As did going through some photos I’ve downloaded throughout the years. All are included below. 

My intuition is that lighter, more olive-ish shades of green are easier to wear than anything too true. Lest one wants to look like they’ve recently won the Masters Tournament anyway. But the photo of Gianluca Migliarotti (director of O’Mast and I Colori Di Antonio) proves otherwise. I think it may be more about the cut than the color. With a well-cut, soft shouldered jacket, a green sport coat seems like it could go excellently with a pair of a khaki chinos, gray flannels, and tan cavalry twills. Something to also wear with a light blue or country tattersall shirt, and perhaps some brown suede wingtips. 

So far, my two favorites include the photo of the Kylnadrochit estate tweed at the very end of this post, and the one seen on Michael Alden in his video on how to wear a pocket square. Those pitch perfect shades of olive, with the subtle and tasteful checks, look like they’d make for a great autumnal sport coat. Especially for a guy who thinks about such things in spring. 

(Photos via A Style is Born, Scottish Estate TweedsIvy Style, Ethandesu, Suitology, Slewfoot, Iammatt, A Suitable Wardrobe, and Michael Alden)