Think Popular Culture’s Dark Threads Are Benign?

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Think Again

Corriann Cervantes


by BOB PRICE 9 Dec 2014

HOUSTON, Texas — A Houston teenager, Jose E. Reyes, stands trial in Houston for the satanic mutilation rape and murder of a fifteen-year-old girl. Corriann Cervantes, aged 15, was allegedly murdered and raped during a satanic ritual that involved gouging out her eyes and carving an upside-down crucifix on her stomach before killing her. She was also allegedly sexually assaulted during the tortuous attack.

Breitbart News reported about the murder when it occurred in February of this year. That article stated that Reyes, then 17, and a 16-year-old boy, Victor Alas, were arrested and charged with capital murder. Reyes confessed to the crimes and told Harris County Assistant District Attorney John Jordan they doing this to sell the 16-year-old’s soul to the devil. Reyes said he had previously sold his soul and the younger boy asked if he could do it as well according to Jordan. Both boys are standing trial as adults.

During the opening of the trial this week in Houston, Jordan continued the devil theme and said the two boys disfigured the girl’s body by carving an upside down crucifix on her stomach according to the Houston Chronicle. Jordan told the jurors the two boys took the girl to an apartment after a night of alcohol and marijuana.

“Whether or not the devil was involved, what happened in that apartment was sadistic and inhumane,” Jordan told jurors. “He said he had no regrets.”

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Next time you see performers like Marilyn Manson strutting around on stage, remind yourself, these performers have real victims. Innocent people like this girl are the real victims, and there are many more than her.  ~TD