Think Pink

By Adrienne Boswell @chiccalifornia1
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Think Pink

There’s a new color in the Sweet Pickins Milk Paint line. Well, it’s actually a few months old now but I just recently painted this cute little vanity in Tickled Pink and it turned out so well, I wanted to share it with you. And of course it seems appropriate to kick off October with some Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness!

This vanity was kind of a hot mess. But I knew it had so much potential. The mirror is missing but that didn’t stop me from picking this little beauty up. I actually think that pairing it with a mirror that hangs on the wall will update the piece in the long run and make it less old fashioned. Also, it didn’t come with the bench. I happened on that at a different thrift store but they were MFEO. You know, “Made For Each Other.”

First things first! I wiped down this vanity with a mix of vinegar and water because it was dirty. I don’t usually bother with this but this piece was kind of gross. After a little clean up I sprayed the whole thing down with shellac. Two reasons for that. Reason #1 to seal in any stain that might seep through a light colored paint and make pinkish, red spots. Reason #2, it helps make the amount of chipping that occurs with milk paint a bit more predictable. You can check out my Milk Paint Tutorial for Control Freaks for the details on that.

I did 3 coats of Milk Paint on this piece since the original finish was so dark. And I finished it with clear wax and Aging Dust in the corners to give it a little more antiquey visual interest. You can see the difference between the area that I waxed and the area that I hadn’t gotten to yet. The clear wax deepens the color of the paint. And not to worry, I’m going to do a tutorial on using the Aging Dust next week.

I really do love how this turned out. It’s chippy but not too chippy. And I found the perfect clear glass pulls from Hobby Lobby.

Can you believe this is the same bench? Notice how it is really chippy on the inside. I didn’t do a very good job spraying the shellac on the inside and you can see the difference it makes on the areas I did spray it well. Without the shellac, you get a lot of chipping.

I love the dimension that Milk Paint gets too. The color is not 100% uniform. There are variations in it, but that’s what gives it that authentically old farmhouse appeal.

In order to celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I am giving 10% off Sweet Pickins Milk Paint in Tickled Pink in the Chic California Market all month. Just enter the Code THINKPINK at the checkout.  Get your shop on here! Or click on the image below.

This is a great time to give Milk Paint a try. I promise you will love working with it and the way it transforms your furniture.

And by the way, this piece is for sale at my market @The Spotted Cow. So if you are seriously interested just message me for the details!