Things You Should Know About Lip Reduction Surgery

Posted on the 03 June 2014 by Rishiraj @beautyglimpseIn

A noticeably plumper and fuller pout is certainly something that women can boast of. But bigger is ‘not’ always better, when it comes to the size of lips. There are lots of people who consider their lips way too bigger than average and it actually makes them look ugly. For them, the lip reduction surgery can be a savior. Here are all that you need to know about it:

What is Lip Reduction Surgery?

Lip reduction surgery, also medically termed as cheiloplasty, is a cosmetic surgical procedure in which the look of unusually big and fat or protruding lips is made better by decreasing the size of one lip or both lips and creating an artificial angle or tip with the help of a piece of healthy tissue taken from an adjacent body part.

How Does It Work?

  • At first, a small incision is made along the length of the upper lip or both lips (as required). It is usually created on the inner side of the mouth.
  • Then, a layer of excess skin and tissue is taken out as well as discarded very carefully.
  • Finally, the incision is closed with sutures.
  • It takes only 45 minutes to 1 hour to be completed.

Ideal Candidates

To be the best candidate for the lip reduction surgery, you must be in good physical and mental health. You should also not have smoking habit, skin disorder, infection, keloid scar and active cold sore.

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  • Your extra large upper lip is reduced to a great extent and you can see the result almost immediately after the surgery.
  • It needs at least 3 months to see the final outcomes of the procedure.
  • The results offered by the surgery are permanent.
  • Your lips will remain swollen and painful for the first few weeks. You may also experience bruising during this period. But all these effects are temporary.
  • There will be some tightness or stiffness in your lips and it will last until the scar gets soft. Your surgeon might suggest you to take certain injections for accelerating the process.
  • Avoid acidic foods that can aggravate your scar and soreness.
  • Sleep with two pillows at least for the first two weeks. It will keep your head lifted and promote healing.

Recovery Time

As said before, there will be pain, discomfort and swelling for the first few post-surgical days. However, you can resume your normal activities after 7 to 10 days. But make sure that you stay away from strenuous activities at least for 8 weeks.

Risks and Side Effects

Being a cosmetic surgical procedure, the lip reduction surgery comes with a number of risks and side effects. Some of them are infection, allergy, anesthetic reaction, pain, swelling, bleeding, bruising, numbness, asymmetry, seroma, hematoma, development of ugly lumps and additional scar tissues, etc.

Also Read – How to Make Your Lips Bigger Naturally Here


  • Turns overly large upper lip slimmer and prettier.
  • Offers a young and sensual look, while creating facial harmony.
  • Helps get rid of asymmetric lips.
  • Provides a beautiful natural lip line.
  • Fast procedure with minimal downtime.
  • Gives no visible scar.


There are a number of factors which need to be taken into account while estimating the actual cost of a lip reduction surgery. However, the average cost of the procedure ranges between $1,500 and $4,000.

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