Things to Do While the Kids Still Believe in Santa.

By Mediocremom @mediocre_mom

Not everybody does the whole Santa thing, which I’m cool with, but we do. I know some parents never want to lie to their kids, which I greatly respect. I, however, do it on a regular basis. “Of COURSE you’ve had cauliflower before, and you loved it!” Anyway, we really do the Santa thing. As in I’ve tried to have the conversation with Punkin, and she just adamantly refuses to believe that there is no Santa. What can I do with that? Enjoy every minute, that’s what.

If you do the whole Santa thing, here are my favorite traditions for the Christmas season. The last one is my new favorite because the girls were in awe when I showed it to them. You guys have to try it.

He sees you when you’re sleeping. And when you colored on the kitchen table with Sharpie. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

  1. Leave cookies and milk for Santa, and carrots for the reindeer out in the yard. Make your husband/neighbor/dog nibble all of them to keep the magic alive. 
  2. Write letters and actually mail them to Santa. Or, if you meet Santa at a place that also accepts his mail (like the Nerd’s Christmas party), bring them there.
  3. Do that Elf on the Shelf thing. We don’t have one yet because the Nerd and I found one but it was like $30 and that’s a lot of money for a skinny doll, but I really want to do this with my girls. Most of the fun comes from posing him every night, like sitting next to the wine with a little spilled on the counter. Silly elf.
  4. Milk that whole “Santa’s watching” thing for all it’s worth. Punkin has kept her room picked up for a week straight. This is huge, people. HUGE. Which brings me to my favorite, which I just discovered the other day:
  5. Personal video messages from Santa. The girls’ jaws hit the floor when they watched them, because they’re so specific. I made one for myself, from the Nerd, so you could see.  Just follow the link. Seriously. It’s kind of funny.   

My blogging will be erratic and sporadic over the holidays because I’m already losing my mind, and we have family coming in from out-of-state, and I will be spending as much time as possible playing with my nieces because they’re wonderful and keep things clean and I want them to rub off on my kids. So in case I overdose on wrapping paper and Lysol fumes in the next few days, Merry Christmas!