Things That Scare Me

By Midlifemargaritas @mdlifemargarita

I have a short list of things that scare terrify me. And it all started with this:

A little place in North Carolina that became the first nightmare I can remember. It’s a recreation of the Land of Oz complete with a house falling on the witch’s legs. I can still remember the nightmare of my childhood with striped legs sticking out from under a house. SO thanks mom and dad for that.

This place is now closed to the public (making it oh so much more creepy) and opens about once a year for a few days for people to visit and remember the times they spent there as a child. (yay). In case you are in NC and curious, here is the link to the upcoming event:

So then I got to thinking what else really scares me and I came up with this fun list:

  1. Spiders. They have a lot of legs so you have no idea which direction they will run. They have millions of baby spiders at one time. (Gross) Oh and they can jump too.
  2. Tornados. I think that came from the Oz business.
  3. Bats. Creatures from Hell. One time a bat touched my hair and I nearly peed myself. I was screaming like a lunatic and my neighbors thought my hubby was beating me. I kid you not.
  4. Jumping Crickets. Crickets in general are no big deal. But when they can jump over your head in a bathroom and you cannot get away and when you do it’s stuck in your hair. I can’t even.
  5. I am afraid one day my doctor will tell me I can no longer eat gluten foods or shellfish. I. WILL. DIE.
  6. I’m not afraid of the dark but I will admit I run and jump in the bed after the lights are out so that demon under the bed won’t grab my ankles. True story.

So now you know some of my biggest fears. What are you afraid of?