There's a lot of things that really make me happy, obviously there are the obvious things like Ben & Abbie, health and all that jazz, but for me I really think it's the little things that really make a person happy, the things we don't really think about but give us that little boost in happiness, there's so much negativity out there, things we all want, things we wish we had, but at the end of the day, as much as it would be nice to have those things, would they really make us that much happier in the long run, or would the feeling fade after a while?
I thought about the things that really make me feel warm and fuzzy, make my belly rumble or just generally improve my day, it's funny how many of those things don't involve buying anything or spending money.. So here is a bloody long list of the little things that make me happy... A good nights sleep (hint hint Abbie) Warm weather & sunshine Treat day A happy toddler Walks Taking photos Editing The beach M&S food BBQ's Hot baths F.r.i.e.n.d.sPositive People
YouTube Porridge Galaxy Chocolate Blogging Watching Abbie fall asleep Dexter Blog comments Stationary Family time Chickens Party food The smell of freshly baked breadHaving full battery on my phone
Quiet time Sporcle Chinese food Yellow A clean house I'm really trying not to just talk about food right now... Candles Pick n mix Markets Charity shop bargains Greggs sausage rolls Toddler giggles Music Crappy TV GameshowsBoard Games
Baby animals
Getting emails
Full battery on my phone
What are some of your favorite things?