Things That Make Me Anxious

By Tanvi Rastogi @tanviidotcom
I seldom post an impromptu blogpost anymore. I have a schedule and the blog runs on it no-matter-what. But then I decided to post this just now. Why-the-hell-not, right? It's MY blog, after all. I can change the schedule anytime I like! (: 
So last night right before bed time I started making a list (in my head) for no particular reason of "things that make me anxious". And you know when I make lists, I always share them with y'all. So here goes:
  • Thought that my parents are aging 
  • Thought that most of my close friends live on another continent
  • When there is no shape or form of chocolate at home
  • When I have to go without a workout for more than a week 
  • When I have no vacation planned for a foreseeable future
  • Excessive hair-fall 
  • Breakouts 
  • When a new post has been live for several hours and there haven't been enough views 
  • When I over-think and wonder, "What am I doing in my life?"  
 What makes YOU anxious?