Things That Are Still A Diet

By Danceswithfat @danceswithfat

The term “Diet” has taken on the meaning of ” a method of eating which leads to weight loss.”  None of these methods have been shown to work for more than a tiny fraction of people (research list here) and it seems that information has gotten around because more and more companies are trying to market their “Diet” as anything but. This is, of course, bullshit.

Lean Cuisine has ads that say “ditch the diet and go on a try it!” and then suggest that people eat their frozen meals to lose weight.

Special K says that you should stop worrying about the number on the scale. Don’t get your hopes up, they still want us to buy their products in an attempt to lose weight, they just want us to call it “Size Sassy”. Seriously.

Weight Watchers says they aren’t a Diet, they’re a lifestyle choice.  It’s a lifestyle where you choose to be on a Diet. Also it really doesn’t work and they know it.

If someone is suggesting that you should eat less calories than you need (whether or not it’s in concern with burning calories through movement) in the hope that your body will consume itself and become smaller, they are putting you on a program that is almost sure to fail.  They can call it a try-it, a lifestyle choice, Size Sassy, or Petunia the Petulant Porcupine, but at the end of the day it’s the same Diet concept that’s been shown to fail the vast majority of people, and have the exact opposite of the intended effect on the majority of people you try it.  Which, I imagine, is why they are in such a hurry to call it something else.

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