Things I’m Loving …

By 74limelane @74LimeLane

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And another weekend sails past. Where do they go? So as we ease into the new week, a few bits and bobs to kick us off.

  • It’s always a good ideas to start with a smile ~ so how about the Muppets ~ Swedish Chef, Animal and Beaker ~ doing the Beastie Boys!
  • Things I need ~ a foot hammock under the desk!
  • I’m very much into small health changes at the moment so incorporating a couple of these apple cider vinegar tips into my day to day. [This is also my new favorite site]
  • Author and blogger and all round lovely person Allison Tait has a new children’s book series coming out ~ The Mapmaker Chronicles. Can’t wait to get the first book for my boys!
  • And sound Monday advice ~ avoid Monday deadlines for a more productive week. I’m definitely the “procrastiworker” type as well!

Remember, the first five days after the weekend are the hardest [internet meme!]