Things I’m Doing For You, The Readers (Part 1)

By Keewood @sellingeating

We sent out The Selling Eating Newsletter yesterday. Did you get yours?

This is the Selling Eating newsletter for July. We know it’s too small to read in this illustration, which is another way of incentivizing you to sign up for it right now.

Personally, and speaking as someone who’s both hyper-self-critical and aware that he’s written 389 posts (including this one) which often criticize the creative efforts of other people, well, I think it seems pretty good—the Selling Eating Team (there actually is one) and I are offering it as a way to point busy restaurant marketers of the world (and all interested parties) to the recent Selling Eating blog entries that got the most hits, or seem the most useful or engaging somehow.

I hope you sign up for it.

It’s not the entire blog, just the better bits.

It’s meant to be an ongoing addendum to the book, so if you liked Selling Eating: Restaurant Marketing Beyond the Word “Delicious you can think of this as the continuing update. Restaurant marketing advice is a living document. 

Promise: We won’t flood your inbox. The Selling Eating Newsletter is only once a month, like one of your utility bills, except the newsletter powers lightbulbs (the cliché ones that appear over cartoon characters’ heads) for free. Also it’s at least as entertaining as several of the channels cable is making you pay for, it provides heat and cool sometimes, and generally it keeps the sewage moving along. (I’m not sure what the outer edges of this cheaper-than-a-public-utility-bill metaphor are, unless, actually, yes, wait—I think I do know. Sewage. Sewage is the outer edge, for a blog about restaurants.)


Send us your email, we’ll make it so you don’t have to keep checking the blog for new stuff (unless you can’t help it, in which case God bless you).