Things I'm Afraid To Tell You

By Cait @caitscozycorner

One of my goals this year as I shared last week was to get a bit more personal on the blog. I'm trying to make connections with you all- and hey, I don't always need to share a highlight reel all the time because TRUE LIFE it's not always about that.
Today I thought  I'd share some things about Mom life that I'm not proud of it. As a Mom, it can be super hard to deal with some of these issues and I want to honest with you all in saying as much as it looks like I've got it together ( ha ) you know that I don't ( and truth- no one does )!
- I Yell.  It's one thing I truly dislike about myself as a Mom and something that I've continue to work on year after year. Sometimes I just become so frustrated with my 4 year old for not listening that I just yell. Not holler- but seriously SCREAM. I remember as a kid when my Mom yelled at me for something and I vividly remember her slamming her hand on the table because she had reached her breaking point. I was terrified. Utterly scared. Sometimes I know that I need to just take a huge breath before the screaming begins and I reach that breaking point. I realize it's never a good technique to do and something I've been scared to admit that I'm not a 'good Mom' for yelling at my children.
-I Have Anxiety Attacks - I've written a few posts about this and so far I haven't had many but I know its due to a lot of stress that can come at me at one given time. I'm trying to get better, make lists and do what I can to calm myself down when they happen. It's been scary at times as I've even fainted in front of Lily for being so worried about an incident that happened. Thank goodness my SIL was there to help after it occurred and I was actually ok but it's real life and something I'll continue to work on day in and day out.
- I dont pay ANY of our bills. Ahh! If you know me, bills..numbers..I hate it. I don't get it. I know how to run my company ( aka this little blog ) and where all the details are  but when it comes to personal finances I have no freakin' idea what to do. Our mortgage? Account number? Ummm what? It's all Zach and when I say that to other Mom's they freak! On the flip side, Zach gets confused with dates and times. I am ON that! We have really divided up tasks that I know I can handle and Zach can handle - and we both know money is not my forte. I'm the list maker, scheduler and can handle anything that relates to that aspect of the kids and us as a couple and I'm super comfortable in that role.
Alright so those are just a few of the things right now but I'm sure I'll come up with a few more as the year continues and I want to peel back a few more layers to share. I hope it gives you some encouragement to share what you're scared or afraid to tell others. We're truly here to help one another and if I can be apart of that, you bet I'm jumping head first to help!
Share something you're afraid of as a Mom ( or something in general )