Things I Forgot to Tell You in March

By Alustforallseasons @bgstrzelczyk

1. I got bangs. My hair's so now. (That's an obscure quote from Legally Blonde. I'm a huge fan of Elle Woods. Naturally.)
2. I ran a half marathon the day after St. Patrick's Day -- with very little training. My time was 1:48:47, which is only one minute slower than my PR from a year ago (and I trained my booty off for that race). I'm now aiming to run a 1:45 at the end of May (8 min/mile pace) before going pro.
3. Peggy Sue went in her for second (and final) round of heartworm treatments. She had to spent the night at the vet and her absence confused the shit out of the other two mammals, who cuddled for comfort. She's doing well and -- fingers crossed -- life will return to normal in 28 days.  
4. I finally bought a juicer. It's beyond fantastic. I've been drinking green juices daily and I'm convinced it will make me the healthiest, most glowing version of my self. After all, every single celebrity worth her wrinkle creams touts the benefits of juicing.
5. I haven't been to the dentist in over a year. My insurance changed, which means I have to go through the entire hassle of finding a new dentist. And that sucks. That's probably way too embarrassing of a fact to share, and you're all judging me and my dirty teeth right now, but I figured if I told the world, it would force me to get off my lazy bum and find a new dentist.