Things About England

By Winyeemichelle

Capturing the little things about { E N G L A N D }.
Unpredictable skies by morning, afternoon, evening and twilight · Greenery and grey(ery) · The continued 5p bag outrage · How tea is the universal and most effective cure for most ailments · Staircases · How ‘The Great British’ has become a universal prefix for regular things to become extraordinary monuments · Picturesque woodlands · The way dewdrops settle on strands of grass in the first moments of autumn · Cheery goodness whenever the sun makes an appearance · Awkward exchanges when your receipt and change are offered to you at the same time · The M25: A solemn tale · How the entire nation can be ready for a BBQ in early May because a heatwave was forecasted a century ago · Brighton’s beach huts · Accepting pebble beaches for what they are · Ambling countryside walks · Pub gardens · Crumpets. CRUMPETS! · Unrelenting politeness even in the face of adversity such as somebody elbowing you in the street · Push/pull doors always being incorrectly marked · Baby Prince George and Princess Charlotte · The art of the silent tut and being invisibly furious · Sunday train services. Ew · An incessant ‘need’ to make daisy chains whenever you’re in a field · Gogglebox.