Of all of the wonderful essential oils that I use, Thieves has got to be one of my favorites!
It is one of the most useful and versatile oils in my collection. It’s a wonderful blend that you can use to protect yourself from bacterial infections, viruses, illnesses, etc.
The way the name “Thieves” came about was during the Bubonic Plague Epidemic. As the story goes, there was a band of thieves who would cover themselves in these herbs and oils, go into the homes of the sick, rob them, and never contract the illness. By the time they were finally caught, they traded their recipe of herbs for a lighter sentence.
This oil has a wonderful, earthy, spicy smell to it. I make a little bottle of it that I carry in my purse. I spray our hands, grocery carts, restaurant tables, etc.
What I love is that this one boosts your immune system rather than harming it the way Lysol or hand sanitizer does. It’s safe to ingest in small amounts so I don’t have to worry about my boys sucking it off of their thumbs.
I also use it in my diffuser during the cold and flu seasons, if we have been exposed to someone who is sick, and if one of us is feeling run down.
***I wrote HERE about my favorite diffusers and how to order***
You can also put it on the bottoms of your feet or take a few drops orally to knock out illness (careful – its burns a bit!).
Other uses include adding it to homemade cleaning products, in homemade toothpaste, and in hand soap. I’ll be adding it to my current recipes in the future and posting them for you all to try!
For now, here’s my healthy, immune boosting spray:
Lindsay’s Thieves Surface and Hand Sanitizer
- 1 4oz dark glass spray bottle – you can find them at many health stores or at Amazon
- 4 oz purified or distilled water
- appx 7-10 drops Thieves oil
That’s it! I give it a little shake and spray away!
I’ll even sprits the boys’ whole bodies with it if they have been exposed to illness. I spray it on bedding, furniture, door handles, remotes, light switches, and in the air to keep the rest of the house well if someone gets sick.
As I write this, I am on a plane, and someone is hacking up a lung a few rows back…glad I brought my spray with me!
This stuff works wonders! I used it right after Miles was born when Henry got sick, and no one else got what he had, including my mom, who had shared a bed with him!
***You can purchase it HERE at wholesale pricing through Young Living, by becoming a Member. One of the Start-Up packages is actually an entire Thieves collection! You will just need my sponsor code: 1404324.
***Or you can order from Amazon, however it will not be at the wholesale price (24% off).
I’d love to hear your success stories with this amazing oil!
Live well. Be well