They’re Talking About Us, October 6, 2017

Posted on the 06 October 2017 by Calvinthedog


The site is called I Am Not Your Niga Higa: Contemplations of a Young Japanese-American.

Here is what he says about me:

Robert Lindsay – one of  the internet’s most notorious, bigoted “racial realists” also admitted that the idea that black women aren’t sexy is absolutely preposterous:

Wow! One of the most notorious bigots on the Net? Jesus. There’s nothing like infamy I guess.

They won’t quit calling me this crap, will they? I work on Black political campaigns – I am a member of Culture of Change. My favorite group in Congress is the Black Political Caucus. I voted for Obama twice and even cried at his first election just because I am such a damned liberal. I supported the early Civil Rights Act, and I support all civil rights laws with the exception of affirmative action. I also oppose disparate impact – it’s got to go.

I am outraged that the SC threw out the Voting Rights Act. I am furious that Black voters are being disenfranchised across our land. I am angry that the Housing Rights Act is so little enforced. I am appalled and disgusted at the open racism of the Trump Administration, especially Jeff Sessions, an unreconstructed White racist right out of the Jim Crow era.

Trump’s mild anti-Black actions such as his tweets are slightly disgusting. He wants to get racist Whites all riled up to support him. How sickening. I am repulsed that Donald Trump was convicted of housing discrimination in refusing to rent to Blacks in New York City. This level of racism is repulsive. Martin Luther King is one of my heroes and so is late Malcolm X after he renounced separatism. I even like the Black Panthers. Not the racist New Black Panthers. The old ones like Huey and Stokely and the rest.

With a history like that, they dare to call me an anti-Black racist?! How many anti-Black racist White men do you know who fit my description? There’s no such thing.

Still a lot of Blacks keep calling me racist. I am tempted to call them ingrates and tell them to go to Hell and solve their own problems, as I am not going to help them anymore. But I keep getting pulled back. I am going to try to help US Blacks no matter how much they hate me. Sometimes you just have to do the right thing.

The site that linked to me seems to be focused on the most unlikely pairing of all, Asian men and Black women.