Sometimes music videos can enhance a song. For example, I wouldn't really have rated Madonna's 'Frozen', without Chris Cunningham's amazing visuals. Sometimes, of course, they can have the opposite effect.
I expected more from this video. I suppose I'd built it up in my head, but it could easily be a promo for --insert pop songstress here-- and it's certainly not anything memorable(if it weren't for the song attached) I guess the concept sort of fits with the song's story(s) and that of the albums, it just looked a lot different/better in my mind.
Without further ado, here it is; the brand spanking new promo for the song I have worn out for the past few weeks. I probably wont be watching it again.
Here's some story telling videos, that I do like a lot:
(All instrumental, by sheer coincidence)
(I have posted this before, because well, it is a bit magical)