They Forgot About God’s Quarterback

By Eowyn @DrEowyn



Divine hand seen spanking Denver while honoring Tim Tebow


With more than 112.2 million viewers, Super Bowl XLVIII was the most watched television event in history, and perhaps God wanted it that way for a spectacular demonstration.

A new theory is being proffered by a South Carolina football fan suggesting the Almighty directly injected Himself in Sunday’s event to even the score, so to speak, after the Denver Broncos booted quarterback Tim Tebow, an outspoken Christian who is no longer playing in the NFL.

“God’s hand was all over this Super Bowl,” says David Campbell, a WND reader from Myrtle Beach, S.C., who explained his view of the divine intervention in a letter to the editor.

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“The book of Daniel, chapter 4, verse 25, says that God rules in the affairs of men and gives the kingdom to whom He will. Luke, chapter 18, verse 7, says that God will avenge His elect when they have been unjustly injured.”

Campbell began his theory with some background.

Two years ago the Denver Broncos dismissed Tim Tebow after he had taken them to the playoffs thanks to his miraculous pass that won the game against the heavily favored Pittsburgh Steelers. Tebow’s exhilarating 80-yard pass in the opening seconds of overtime won the game.

Not long after, the Broncos brought in Peyton Manning and replaced Tim Tebow as No. 1 quarterback. The rumor going ’round was that GM John Elway didn’t like Tebow, didn’t like his Tebow prayer, fans or following and wanted rid of him. Elway didn’t want him as backup quarterback either or on the team at all. Tim Tebow was traded to the New York Jets in March 2012.

Peyton Manning was brought in to much fanfare and hoopla. Big salary, big bonus, trumpets blaring.

Campbell then fast-forwarded to this year’s Super Bowl, as the Denver Broncos were matched against the Seattle Seahawks.

“Denver was the favorite, because of Manning. The Seattle quarterback? A kid named Russell Wilson. Christian, small guy, nothing really of note. No big records, no big wins, no big following. The New York Times labeled him forgotten, undersized and underestimated. Kind of like David against Goliath.”

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