They Are Taking Advantage Of You

Posted on the 18 August 2012 by Anthonyhymes @TheWrongWing

Republicans have perverted the tenets of their platform positions in such a way that benefits only the very top of their group. Through misinformation, inspiring fear of hell, and economics without mathematics, America’s wrong wing has managed to dupe socially conservative people into being fiscally conservative too, when these two ideas do not necessarily go together.

More of a terrorist than Osama Bin Laden

This politiblog is focused on revealing the hypocrisy that Republicans produce when fighting for conflicting positions at the same time. But the question is, how did our system get this way? Normally people do not support hypocrisy, consistency of opinion and conviction is important due to the cognitive function of logic. If one argument doesn’t support another, or in some cases directly opposes another, most people realize that there is an inconsistency which leads them to question at least one of their positions.

There are many examples of Republican hypocrisy such as: killing is wrong for abortion, OK for the death penalty; personal liberty is most important, but not for people we suspect of wrong doing who we imprison indefinitely; businesses should count as people even though they don’t need to consider what is human… The list goes on.

It would be easy to chalk this up to simple misunderstanding caused by ignorance, but it is not so innocent. Government and society is essentially one big experiment, where people in power test different theories, and scholars spend their lives studying how it works. There is no way that the average voter can begin to take it all in — their lives are filled with their professions, their skills, their families — so the mouthpieces get on the airways and the altars. There, people who pretend to know more than those watching them promulgate purposefully false information to advance their causes, and these causes are nothing deeper than power and money.

Two direct sources can be blamed for presenting false information as the truth: the church and Rupert Murdoch. First, the church has removed all compassion from the Bible except for the parts they want to keep. Lessons like the importance of helping the poor, turning the other cheek, and loving thy neighbor get lip service while messages of persecution and opposition to things like civil rights take the most attention. Preachers lament the decline of American morality and the traditional family and hold prayers to hope that America will restore the greatness it has lost.

The church hangs a fear of eternal suffering on questioning its ways. Heresy is a grave sin. To people who believe fully in this scenario, it can be impossible to dissent, even when what they are reading in the Bible is not what they are hearing on the altar. The inability to raise a question or disagree at all begins to cripple the way that people view their world. They start to accept anything that is yelled from high as truth.

Change has never been easy for the church, and it has balked at nearly every attempt over the past 2000 years to progress forward. The church is currently acting like a protester strapping herself to a tree to prevent it from being cut down, except the tree they are protecting is rotten, dead, and at risk of spreading nasty tree diseases to the rest of the forest. Their current opposition to the advancement of civil rights, of women’s equality and health, of the acceptance of evolution and science, is utterly pointless and ultimately futile, but people still believe them because they have always believed the church.

Then, there is the heartless, ruthless criminal Rupert Murdoch, who came from Australia like the wicked witch of the outback. Finally under fire for hacking the phones of pretty much everyone in England to propel forward his sensational tabloid newspapers, Murdoch might end up in jail before the merciful day when he dies and the world breathes a huge sigh of relief. Murdoch is also the creator of FOX, which is our second villain. They love nothing more than when people attack them for being partisan. But all they do is feed off of the anger that the intolerant church creates, and then connects that agenda with a fight against social assistance programs in order to lower taxes on the rich.

If you are a Republican, and you watch FOX, just know that everyone who works there is laughing their way to the bank. They come up with ridiculous ideas see if they can get ignorant people to believe them. When they succeed they just laugh at everyone who watches their network. None of the showmen parading as journalists is actually a journalist or even a conservative. They are only instigators supported by the GOP and designed to send false information to people who dont know better by calling it news. FOX has less respect for its viewers than everyone else has for FOX, which is nothing short of disdain.

But why is it so bad? Surely partisan outlets can exist? Naturally, but the people spreading the false information are benefiting. Telling poor people that taxing the rich makes them less likely to hire people (when companies hire people) means that poor people fight against taxes. FOX frames any increase in taxes as socialism, and plays on age old fears of the cold war to propel a favorable-to-the-rich, anti-tax agenda, while riding on the anger of social conservatives. But who actually pays less taxes? The people spreading the messages, the showmen. It will only be when we stop letting them spread false information that we can resume a healthy debate, or any debate at all. That would take a massive uprising to take away eyes. If the eyes go, so does their money and influence.