#TheWeeklyPostcard: Tanah Lot Temple on Bali

By Aswesawit @aswesawit

Dear Luke and Leia,

Today Nana and I visited a beautiful temple on the southwest coast of Bali, Indonesia called Tanah Lot. When we first got there we were suprised because we got to walk through a small village on the way to the temple.

Wood Carving in Tanah Lot, Bali

In the village we came across a small wood carving store with the artist working on a wall relief. We talked to him for while and found out it takes 3 to 4 months to carve one of them. They charge about $100-$150 dollars. That is not a lot of money for that time.

Wood carver with his beautiful work of art.

When we got to the temple we saw it was located on an island. Thankfully it was low tide and we crossed the small area of water over on to the temple. Their was a celebration planned so we could not go to the top to see it up close.

The Temple is located on an island.

Nana talking to the priest at the Temple after crossing to the island.

We did walk over to a cliff area where there was a fantastic view back to the temple. We stayed to wait for sunset and then went to dinner with Mr. Richard, Ms. Vonce and Joseph. Next week we will be heading to a town on the edge of the mountains named Ubud.

View of Tanah Lot, Bali

The Island Temple of Tanah Lot on Bali.

We hope you two are well and we miss you.

Love Nana and Pap

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