TheTruth That Inspires

By Vall444

There is No bad fortune, and no good fortune. Everything comes to you to lift you up and make you rise. It a way disclosing slowly ahead of you in time. 

Pure consciousness reigns even when you have a bad karma. 

The awakened ones find Divine Love in their destiny - they see no retribution and punishment. 

We just walk the path of Love, Wisdom and Truth and your karma will fade away.

God is our great happiness which the human soul seeks. The First task of all men is to know God. There is no greater thing than that. If someone asks what the meaning of life is, I just reply: To know God. Seeing the Face of God , means gaining inspiration for life and everything starts to have a meaning for you. What is love? That is the acquisition of God.  What people call happiness lies in their connection with God. Once you connect with God, happiness starts to flow like a river in your life.