I have an obsession with graphic tees. As you’ve seen here, here, and here. And there are probably a lot more than this.
I love Disney movies. Hence, the mermaid top.
I have an addiction to online shopping. When I’m having a bad day, that’s my go-to vice.
I laugh when someone gets hurt in movies. Like the girl who rides her bike into the car in Wayne’s World? I die. I can’t even.
I need to eat something sweet immediately after dinner.
I’m addicted to The Bachelorette and Dance Moms. Those are the only two shows I’m really “watching” right now.
I have to clear all of my notifications on my phone before going to bed.
I’m easily distracted and I’m always trying to do 100 things at a time.
I’m super self conscious and critical of myself.
I call my mom everyday.
I get really excited for new cleaning devices. I was recently sent a Shark Steam and Spray Pro and I can’t wait for Z to get home so he can watch the kids and I can use it.
But despite my love for cleaning devices, my house is a mess right now. And it makes me anxious but I can’t keep it clean with two kids, two cats, a dog, and no husband home to help.
I sometimes hide in the laundry room to sneak desserts. If P sees me chewing, she grabs my hand and takes me into the kitchen.
I’m a procrastinator.
I’m also addicted to planners and notebooks. (Ironic?)
I’m a little scatterbrained. But I guess that’s to be expected with this life, right?
Alright… your turn! What are your confessions?? And you’re welcome for Usher being in your head the rest of the day…