
By Littletallie

I so need to get out more. I’ve just got my new thermospatula from Lakeland. Woohoo.

Before you think I’m a complete loony, I love making fudge but the “fudge ball” test with water I can never get right, so I thought the best way to rectify it? Buy a thermometer! Que Thermospatula and all is well!

At £14.99 from Lakeland (you can find it here: it is a bit pricey but I hope its worth it, I’m going to be making some fudge in the next few weeks so when I do I’ll post it on here. The first recipe on my hit list is Milky Bar Fudge.

That is my mission for 2013, to see how different flavours of fudge I can come up with, any suggestions are greatly welcome. Don’t be shy.

It’s my cake day at work this week so I’ll be posting whoopie pies and chocolate cake later on in the week!